Joe Jones - @blinkyyfb
How many of you are willing to have a brand’s logo tattooed on your body? When someone has a tattoo of anything, not to mention a brand’s logo, that shows their commitment and the enthusiasm towards it, essentially making them “inseparable”. For today’s episode of Collector’s Appreciation, we invited a fingerboard enthusiast from the United Kingdom, a Beast Pants enthusiast to be more specific, to talk about his fingerboard collection. His name is Joe Jones, also known as @blinkyyfb on Instagram.
Here is the story behind Joe’s appreciation for fingerboarding (and Beast Pants).
Photo by: Joe Jones
(NY) Please introduce yourself to our readers!
(JJ) Hello, my name is Joe Jones and I’m 24 years old from Newcastle, United Kingdom. I am living with my amazing girlfriend, two cats, and a gecko.
(NY) When and how did you get into fingerboarding?
(JJ) I initially got into fingerboards back when I was about 10 years old after a friend gave me one of his tech decks, from there I would spend all my birthday money on them. Growing older I would watch the Blackriver videos and YouTubers unboxing these crazy professional set ups which I never had the money for, but always dreamt of owning them. I fell out of the hobby but kept up with the content of the community until about 2018, when I came back and started again on and off until the pandemic came around. That was when I fully got back into fingerboarding.
Photo by: Joe Jones
(NY) What was your first set-up?
(JJ) My first set up when I was younger was a standard tech deck complete, nothing special. In 2018, I got my first professional set up which was a Berlinwood complete 33.3mm x-wide low shape with Blackriver street wheels. Then 2020 came along and I fell in love with my Beast Pants 34mm ‘domesticated’ deck, with Blackriver trucks in 34mm and Oak Wheels minis.
(NY) Can you share the story of how you started collecting fingerboards?
(JJ) When I first decided that I was going to collect these miniature skateboards, it didn’t occur to me that I would end up having enough to put them on a shelf one day. Once I did, I realized how cool it was to have all of these high quality miniature skate products on display.
Photo by: Joe Jones
(NY) How many fingerboards do you have in your collection?
(JJ) I currently have 62 decks in my collection, some are used and some are still new in their packaging. I also have some limited edition sticker sheets, engraved tape, and hand drawn pictures and notes.
Photo by: Joe Jones
(NY) Why do you collect fingerboards?
(JJ) I collect fingerboards because when I discovered the company Beast Pants, I bought one and then started waiting for Chris’s drops to try and get the other shapes and sizes he made. Nothing compared in my eyes and that is when I became strictly a collector of his products. I have Beast Pants items made in 2013 to his most recent decks in 2024.
(NY) What you do look for in a product or a brand (e.g., quality, history, etc.) when adding it to your collection?
(JJ) As long as the company is putting out quality products and looks after their customers that’s all that matters to me. Graphics and split plies are also amazing in a company as well, but you could sell me a blank deck if you’re a nice guy and have great customer service.
Photo by: Joe Jones
(NY) In your collection, which product(s) has the most meaning to you?
(JJ) There are some special decks in my collection like a black, white and purple “BEAST” logo deck that Chris gifted to me after I got his logo tattooed on me to show my support to the company. I also have some really unique pieces like a fabric bottom ply fur stripe graphic made by Beast Pants from the army camos of a good friend in the community called @squawky_nuts that he wore whilst serving his country. All these decks hold a special place in my heart as they are little reminders of different points in my life like a checkpoint.
Photo by: Joe Jones
(NY) Lastly, do you have any advice for people who are starting to build their own collection?
(JJ) Just have fun collecting, you don’t need the most rare or the most expensive decks to start a collection. Collect what you want for the reasons you want to. As long as you’re enjoying what you’re doing and not hurting anyone how can you complain?
Joe Jones
Instagram: @blinkyyfb